Teach your kids good digital citizenship. Our free lessons cover internet use, tech addiction, substance abuse, safe driving, stranger danger, and more.
anxiety is the new norm
In 1985, 18 percent of teens said they suffered from overwhelming anxiety. By 2016 that number had surged to 41 percent.
cyberbullying has exploded
Cyberbullying has almost doubled over the last 10 years. 59% of US teens have received intimidating, threatening or nasty messages online.
Children get exposed to porn as early as 5 years old. Add a smartphone into the mix, and sexting isn’t far behind.
Addicted to Technology
Over half of US teens say they are addicted to the internet, saying they cannot function on a daily basis without it.
teens driving distracted
Cell phone use is involved in 78% of all distracted driving and 64% of all accidents in the US— a massive increase over previous years.
lack of empathy
70% of youth lack emotional intelligence because they’re talking to devices instead of other people. Studies show that prolonged screen time directly reduces a teen’s emotional intelligence.
Have your Students gain more awareness and be safer on the internet and their devices.
Take lessons in-class or give as homework.
resources for parents
Set your kids up for success. Download our free resources & help your kids take control of their digital lives.
See why thousands of parents, educators, and members of law enforcement in all 50 states turn to DFI to help kids make better life decisions. Our curriculum is updated regularly with the latest findings to help kids make smart decisions about the role technology plays in their lives.

parent academy
Built to help busy parents understand the role technology plays in their kids’ lives— and what smart families can do about it.
digital citizenship
The importance of being emotionally intelligent, having self-value over online perfection comparisons, and understanding the issues digital media creates.
substance use
Describes the impact drugs have on a child’s life & how drug industries target children. Teaches students to manage their feelings without relying on drugs.
Get teens to cultivate healthy relationships while focusing on kindness. Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and dating abuse are also covered.
distracted driving
Teach students the dangers of distracted driving & how to focus when behind the wheel. Encourages teens not to use devices while driving.
get dfi in your child’s school
Getting DFI content in your child’s school is easy! Fill in the info below & we’ll send you an invitation to forward to your school. It contains the info they need to get started. See why educators, health professionals & members of law enforcement all turn to DFI to help kids take control of their digital lives.